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Kendra Elness
生于 United States
1 year
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Angie Murphy
I will always hang on to every memorie of you Kendra!  You taught us so much is the short time that we had you.  Now you are able to be with Jesus.  I loved holding you tight most of all and just talking and singing with you.  You were my sweet sweet little girl.  You truely taught us how to all love and to be thankful for each other.  You taught us even though we only had you for a short while to be thankful for that short while.  I know that you are healthy and dancing and singing in Heaven and some day I will see you again.  You and Jesse and Grandpa are all together now.  I loved the way you would hold onto my fingers so tight.  I could hold you for hours.  I am so happy that we were close that we got to spend so much time with you.  Sending my love to heaven.  Love you sweetie



Here is a poem that I wrote for Kendra while she was still alive.  It is my favorite.

 My Angel

You are my Angel

The litte girl I've wanted for so long.

You are my angel,

Why did everthing have to go so wrong?

You are my angel,

As I watch you sleep.

You are my angel

My love for you is so deep.

You are my angel,

A miracle from God above

You are my angel

A little bundle of joy and love.

You are my angel,

Here to teach us of love and life.

You are my angel

A cause of so much joy and strife.

You are my angel,

My precious baby girl.

You are my angel, Your mommy's unique pearl.

You are my angel and I love you.

By: your mommy


There are so many things I want everyone to remember about you.  The most important thing is how you touched so many people's lives when you were alive.  So many people prayed for you and new of you that didn't even meet you.  That is so amazing to me.  Those of us who new you will forever be affected by your strength and your fight to live.  You had a way of touching people's hearts.  When we looked into your eyes, we always felt that joy.  Even if we only had you for a tiny moment in time, you gave us joy and hope and faith.  Thank you for teaching me compassion and patience.  I love you my Kendra Bug.  Mommy

Grandma Joan

Kendra,you were our miracle baby.You and your Grandpa bonded the minute you were together in the hospital the day you came to us.Those were hard times for our family,but you gave us the faith to go on .Your strong will to live was truly an inspiration for all of us.Now you and Grandpa have dear Jesse with you in Heaven.We miss you all so much.We know you all are so very happy with God,but we all surely miss you .Our life will never be the same,and we are very sad to have lost you .But we know you all are watching over us ,protecting us from danger.I love you all so much.Imiss you more than I can ever say.Some day we will all be together in Heaven .LOVE AND KISSES from Grandma Joan 

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